Economic intelligence & due diligence
Economic & legal data
Economic and legal data are sometimes incomplete and require a certain amount of time to be collected.
With us, the deadlines are reduced; we can get you within a day an extraction from the trade register of the target company with all the data necessary for the precise identification of your counterparts (in 3 or 4 pages), including:
Company data (business register number, date of registration, business name, statistical and tax identification number, legal form, legal regime, share capital, address, contact details, branches, real estate ownership, lease duration, business ownership.
The activities carried out, with their codes, description and possible license numbers (for activities subject to Government licensing).
Associates and key principals, with dates of birth, places of birth and rank.
Possible legal changes with date and description.
“Due diligence & KYC (Know Your Customer) Compliance”
“Due Diligence” is a longer investigation by its nature (20 to 50 pages) that validates (or not) the compliance of the target company with your own rules or those of the profession and regulations in general; It includes economic and legal data, as well as executive details, possible implications for other companies, subsidiaries, parent company, sisters and other “JVs” with details for each company. We also evaluate the media exposure of the target company, its principals and, where relevant, report the anomalies collected (like lawsuits, criminal accusations, unethical behavior, etc.) and the reputation of the managers/principals. We also describe the company’s commercial footprint with a presentation of its products / services, the distribution structure and a statement of its prices. finally, when they are available, we provide you with balance sheets and other profit and loss accounts, the absence of which may lead to a ban on access to foreign trade (import and export) and public procurement.